SkyMes Academy

From Zero to SkyMes Hero!

Digital skills have become a rare commodity: by 2030, 30 percent of jobs are likely to be transformed by technology

The number one priority for tomorrow's leaders will be to build critical skills and competencies.

Keep up to date with the latest MES technologies

SkyMes Academy represents our institution entirely focused on providing training support regarding the SkyMes platform, with the aim of enabling our customers and partners to build and keep up-to-date their skills in relation to the evolution of the product and the MES world in general.

Our training center, consisting of highly qualified professionals, serves teams interested in the SkyMes world, providing comprehensive training for every functional and technical aspect.

SkyMes Academy supports your training journey

Full documentation

Product video tutorials

Training on the job and online

Demo environment

Improve your production system with SkyMes